The Leaders Work Blog

Combining leadership and life skills with spiritual and scientific knowledge, wisdom,  practical ideas, mindfulness practices, and tools.

Simple and Not So Simple Steps to Improve Your Communication Abilities

Simple and Not So Simple Steps to Improve Your Communication Abilities

The depth and intricacy of our ability to communicate with each other are incredible. It’s one of the ways that distinguishes us as humans. The ways we speak and listen draw us together and break us apart as well.  Good communication is a skill that improves relationships, parenting, successful careers, and friendships. Improving our communication abilities […]

How to Eliminate the Suffering in the Healthcare Field

How to Eliminate the Suffering in the Healthcare Field

Working in healthcare is choosing one of the most stressful and demanding careers out there. The reasons why that is so are obvious, aren’t they? Daily exposure to human suffering is inherent in healthcare, and obviously, that is stressful and will take its toll on you. To top it off, we all know about the […]

Why doctors don’t reach out for help 

Accepting support can help you be in touch with your essential perfection In the medical professions, we are conditioned to see ourselves as more accomplished and knowledgeable than the rest of the population. That worldview comes with a huge amount of responsibility and the feeling that not knowing something is unacceptable. Reaching out for support […]

Healing Light and Color for Work Environments

I’m so excited to introduce you to Jackie Philip, a UK-based painter who travels to work and teach. Her paintings have a vibrant simplicity that will serve to uplift any working and healing environment. Beyond the Studio “I flew to Barbados in September intending to visit for 3 weeks and ended up staying 7months due […]

Strengthening love and compassion in healthcare and healing

When we envision a doctor or a healer, we see a kind and compassionate person who cares deeply for our wellbeing. We assume that the ability to extend that care carries its own rewards, enabling the healer to have a happy and fulfilling career. Unfortunately, the ability to nurture love and compassion in ourselves is […]

What’s your identity, and why is it important?

Being in touch with yourself, knowing yourself, finding your true nature; being in flow, being authentically you, listening to your intuition are all popular goals in the self-development arena. But – which YOU are we talking about? What’s your identity, and why is it important? Thoughts on Identity Approaching identity from the knowledge base of […]

Sophrology – Studying the Harmony of your Spirit

Discover Sophrology! The European Stress-Resilient Method Meet guest author Veronique Benoit, Stress Management Coach with many years of experience working in Europe, where her services were valued and paid by medical insurance. She’s bringing a unique methodology called Sophrology to the US. As I was curious I signed up for some sessions and can attest […]