What Others Are Saying About The Leaders Work

Scroll through this page for testimonials, recommendations, and people sharing their insights and journey inspired by the processes we use at The Leaders Work.

Dr. Susan Botha

“Working with Stef Skupin has been one of the most rewarding commitments I have ever taken. Take the most, most painful memory, or belief you have that causes you deep pain, do “the work” and become witness to the unfolding and freedom dawning within you. Incredible, just absolutely incredible. I can not recommend this more highly.”

Mellow Harmony Avstreih

“I have greatly benefited from Steph’s clarity and insight during self-inquiry. She holds space without judgment, respectfully offering new ways of seeing.

Before doing self-inquiry with Stef around thoughts about being treated as a second-class citizen, I was in a lot of pain about imagining others seeing me this way. I realized I was seeing myself this way.

Stef also helped me to recognize that not all of this thinking is “mine”, as I carry traumas from conditioning, collective consciousness, and ancestry. This understanding, and her guided invitation to feel my emotions with less labeling and judgment, has allowed me more ease, self-compassion, and acceptance in my life.

If you struggle with feeling undervalued, exploited, or low self-worth, I can recommend Stef as a facilitator.”

Brent Baker

“There are times in our lives when we have to realize that our past is precisely what it is and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it. And by doing that, we can change the future.” Thanks for helping me to see that.

Veterinary Pathologist

“I don’t really know what I was expecting when I signed up, but I’ve been really pleased with the changes already. I feel very different about going in to work now, so I am glad I was curious enough to sign up!

It’s been so helpful in terms of untangling my thoughts and emotions, so I can look at things in a more positive light, and think more clearly.”

Sheila C

Great meditation suggestions! I felt more liberty today in my meditation given your advice.

Chevelle Y

“This kind of work has opened up doors for me to understand the self and understanding more about approaching the human condition in a gentle and aware way. I have come in curious and have seen deeper into the layers of what has made up my experiences. I have also been given the chance to practice new tools to approach new experiences with acceptance, compassion, and understanding. I can’t believe some of these beautiful and unpleasant things exist within me, and I’m happy to meet them.”

Erica K, DVM

“Every 20 minutes I saw a sick case yesterday, for a total of 10.  It was INTENSE.  But, I found myself holding back from picturing the worst before even going in. I also found myself RELATING to clients a lot more yesterday.  There were laughs, there was frankness (on my part) and I think understanding – that I was not judging choices, but advocating for what was best for hurt animals with respect to owner’s abilities and desires. I felt less guarded, much more myself yesterday.”

Michael E.

“Stef, I am deeply grateful for everything you do to mentor me. Thank you for caring so much! It’s really fun to have you along on this incredible journey. Cheers! 💗🤗” 

Su Iannello

I enjoyed [the W game].  It is fulfilling to share honestly and deeply with others.

Nicole Unser

“Thank you for loving us all so well. Not only by making the game and private sessions available but for always following up with gentle promptings. I need those! 🙂 
As I reflect on our game this week I am intrigued by how many baseline assumptions I operate out of. (I’ve been wondering the difference between an assumption and a belief?) The belief I worked with this week, “People should respect me”, has caused me to experience much stress and anxiety. The bonus questions really helped me. Questions like “Whose business am I in?” when I believe people should respect me? Well, I’ve always thought how people treat me is my business. But I guess I’m in other people’s business and how I respond to them is my business. Haha, And the big one, “Am I loving what is or am I at war with reality?” Wow. Yes, I’m definitely at war with reality and letting other people’s behavior drive my life. The turnaround that impacted me most was towards myself, “I should respect myself.” I can see how working in a system that doesn’t line up with my values is actually disrespectful towards myself. Integrity might mean finding a job that I can wholeheartedly give myself to. This requires addressing some of my assumptions and beliefs around money, seeing as money and convenience are what tether me to this position. So my living turnaround is something along the lines of, “I will respect myself by questioning my beliefs around money so I can choose meaningful work free from worry about money.” 

Marion Winisky, RN MA

 Every time I do the W Game I always gain insight into my thoughts and feelings around the belief I was holding onto. More importantly, when I can live in the present without that belief, guess what comes in! Joy! 

Katie said “Inquiry appears to be a process of thinking, but actually it’s a way to undo thinking.” And that being said all the feelings I had, scared, sadness, grief and anger are all part of the superficial mind. When I was able to dive deeper and be really present in the moment I find that all those feelings are all part of this life but is not ‘who I am’. Who I am at this present moment is a being with love and compassion for my human experience, allowing the feelings to come and go.

Byron Odion

I am sleeping much better (…), my anxiety level is reduced, and therefore my physical health is better, my intuitive abilities have increased, the future generally appears safer. (…)
Increased self-confidence- less tendency to get “lost in the story”. Focusing on being the change I want to see in the world- starting with my primary relationships, actually all my interactions, and working out from there. Feeling less fear allows a spirit of collaboration, patience, and a higher degree of problem-solving available.
I highly recommend Stef, I have tried other forms of therapy. I have derived much greater results in a much shorter time than previously experienced!

Betty Lou Anderson

Thank you, Stef for your feedback. It’s a gift!! I really appreciate the help working through this situation with me.  It seems that this has empowered me in ways I never thought possible. 

Devora Gila Berkowitz, Master Level Intuitive Healer and Coach

What I liked best about working with Stefanie in a mentoring relationship was watching her coach herself with her own tools and loads of self-acceptance. She is not afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help. This is the kind of person you want to have as your coach; someone who is always working on their personal growth, achieving their goals with humility, not afraid to work hard, dedicated to their craft, and using the tools they teach others. I highly recommend Stefanie as an authentic practitioner with a big heart to hold space for your personal growth journey.

Sarah Healy-Vigo

Stef is one of the most attentive, professional, and highly intuitive people that I have ever worked with. She cares deeply about her clients and utilizes her wealth of knowledge and talents to ensure their growth and development within a program. She truly believes in the power of her practice and more fully “practices what she preaches” than almost anyone I’ve encountered, which of course adds to the appeal and effectiveness of her methods. Stef is authentic, honest, and reliable throughout “The Work” and her approach causes participants to walk away with a completely new outlook and sense of optimism, but more importantly, a sense of comfort for what they can and cannot control. Even a few minutes with Stef will change you for the better. What she does is truly special. You cannot get it anywhere else.

Amita Chawla

I feel more light-hearted in addressing the challenges I’m facing, and feel better equipped to take action. Very grateful for the breakthroughs that I came across during this process. [It’s a] fantastic experience. Just jump into it without thinking twice! It has been a most wonderful experience. Truly grateful that I took this opportunity with Stef. It has enhanced my life in so many ways!

57-year-old White Male Client

“Throughout my childhood, I dealt with being bullied in the many different places I lived while growing up. The worst of those was a sexual assault that led to a stretch of humiliation and manipulation that has impacted me to various degrees for decades.

Periods of depression, emotional paralysis, and an inability to function in my profession became a pattern I tolerated, figuring that it would just pass (which would eventually happen) and hopefully not return (but eventually always would). I knew much about the origin of those feelings but didn’t know what to do about them, and had resigned to just living with the reality of having stretches where I felt choked off from living my life.

After about a month of sessions and going through The Work, I began to notice changes in myself that I wasn’t sure I could attribute to this process. But my ability to function in my personal and professional life both began to improve. As I was able to see how my views of my history dictated my current behavior, and how the Work helped me to see my history differently, it became obvious that there was a connection between the two. I am also developing new habits when those old “ghosts” make an appearance, tools to change how I respond internally when that happens. There is healing taking place that I have not experienced before.”

If you want to learn more about The Leaders Work process, I suggest reading this article as an introduction or checking out our various tools here!