How it all started …

In 15 years of working as a veterinarian, Stef Skupin, DVM, Owner & Facilitator at The Leaders Work, has learned that stress, even in difficult situations, is an optional response. Today, her passion is to help doctors and primary caregivers be more effective by cultivating the ability to stay calm, confident, and joyful at work. In her private sessions and workshops, Stef helps participants learn how to stay grounded in challenging situations, develop the ability to tap into an ever-present sense of inner wisdom and peace, and build strong yet subtle support structures for themselves and others. 

The Journey To Being Fully Alive

SE Skupin’s first book ‘Awakening From Fear’ describes how inquiry into everyday fears can lead to greater personal freedom and deep inner peace. Her workshops, retreats, and meditation classes help participants feel more alive and enthusiastic in their lives by significantly reducing their stress load. Stef has taught Homeopathy for Animals and Breath Water Sound with the Art Of Living/IAHV

Working as a Veterinarian in Europe and South Africa, Stef integrated homeopathy, reiki, and interspecies communication practices with her medical practice. She still works as a communicator at Sipho Animal Communication. As a Veterinary Technician and supervisor, she excelled at uplifting and empowering her team.

Stef has supported people through teaching mindfulness techniques since 2008. Since 2012, she consistently helped people let go of limiting beliefs through facilitating the Work of Byron Katie (Inquiry-based Stress Release). Her own business, The Leaders Work, aims to help medical professionals stay connected with their passion for healing. Stef believes that dynamic excellence and professionalism are fueled by a strong basis of mental-emotional well-being and high levels of self-awareness.

Life Outside Of Work

Outside of work, Stef thrives on being outdoors and spends her recharge time climbing, hiking, mountain biking, and canoeing with her family. In winter, she loves reading by the fire with a cat on her lap!

Stef is inspired by the effortless flow, the power, and the kindness of life as it moves from form to form. She wants to share the experience of feeling part of that power, awake to reality, and blissfully part of life. 

The Leaders Work programs support doctors, veterinarians, and other medical professionals who strive for relaxed excellence at work, and want to have the deep satisfaction and joy of working in a medical career radiate out into every aspect of their lives. 

The sky is not the limit. Mind that creates sky is.

Become good enough.

Book a Stress-Free Medical Career Strategy Session with SE Skupin to find out if The Leaders Work process will help you feel more relaxed at work and in your life.

Through The Leaders Work Facilitation programs, you will: 

  • Reconnect with the passion for your career, having more energy to help, heal and support others;
  • Feel relaxed outside of work – find more time to recharge and connect with family and friends;
  • Be confident in your decisions and stop worrying about making mistakes;
  • Have the ability for clear and calm communication with your team and clients at all times;
  • Be fueled by compassion and empathy in your work, and remember how these qualities fuel you as well.