The Work of Byron Katie

I absolutely adore Inquiry aka The Work of Byron Katie. Words are just not strong enough to describe how I feel about this practice – the 4 questions and turnarounds. This process has given me so much freedom, and so much joy. It has turned my anger into understanding, my fears into love, and my judgments into compassion and clarity.

And all I ever did was answer 4 questions.

“Byron Katie’s Work is a great blessing for our planet.”

Eckhart Tolle

Looking back over the last 15 years I can barely recognize myself anymore. Except I do – what has gotten less are the murky layers of separation and stress, and my kind, generous, and light nature, which was always underneath, is now more visible. 

Do you know how they always tell you to love yourself?

And isn’t it often just a tad difficult?

Well, through inquiry, I do love myself, and it happens more so each day, as I keep questioning my thinking.

I’m certain that you can as well. 

the work of Byron Katie
Byron Katie

At the School for The Work of Byron Katie in 2012 (Bad Neuenahr, Germany), I spent 10 days watching hundreds of people do The Work, supported by Katie and a substantial group of certified facilitators. I witnessed pretty much any situation that human beings believe stressful be turned into understanding, acceptance, love, and joy. I saw clarity emerge and light shine into the darkest corners of the human mind. 

Sitting with Katie is simply delicious.

She is clear, sharp, wise, and funny.

Katie is fortunate, from our point of view, to have woken up to this state of clarity – and yet, she went through darkness and pain to get there. In that, she is not so different from us. Anyway, that’s what she says, and until the time I am proven differently, I choose to believe her.

Katie’s Work is a path to freedom, to self-realization.

And if that goal is too lofty for you at this point, inquiry will help you find your joy, clarity, and own inner wisdom in any situation you choose. It will help you let go of stress, understand yourself and others better, and liberate energy for positive and kind action.

All you need to do is answer the questions and find some turnarounds. 

You can join me on a brief tour of the Work here

What is inquiry and why would you want to use it?

To learn more about The Work you can go to Everything you need to do The Work is available to you free of charge. 

Or you can choose to start your journey here – apply for a complimentary strategy session, check out The Leaders Work Tools, a course, or private facilitation

Either way, I love that you are giving inquiry to yourself.