Simple Ways to Overcome Obstacles At Work and In Your Life

Overcome the obstacles at your work place and in your life using 7 simple practices that are inspired by The Art of Living teachings, and by my own common sense after doing inquiry.

ways to overcome obstacles at work and in your life
New experience or obstacle?

I’m a new business owner. That feels like an understatement. I’m pretty much newborn, like, 2 months old. Sometimes it feels like I know nothing about all this. Nada. Zilch. 

My first course is scheduled to run next week and I don’t know how to market effectively enough to have people sign up. There are myriad things to know and do, and I have only so much time to learn and implement. 

Yesterday I listened to a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (The Art of Living) about overcoming obstacles. AOL courses are amazing – they give you a mixture of knowledge and support, practices to do, and they stretch you at the same time.

To overcome obstacles at work, any of the following can help:

  • Wisdom – know that these obstacles are temporary. They are here now, they are testing you and stretching you, and they will be gone again. Remember how many obstacles in your life you have overcome already.
  • Spiritual knowledge – Know that life is fleeting. Emotions and thoughts come and go. Be present in this moment, now. 
  • Service – do something for others, without wanting anything back. This will make you feel better about yourself again ( I took over making dinner)
  • Roar like a lion – remember and express your own strength.
  • Do your practices – whichever they are. They are taking your mind out of your misery and connect it to something bigger. My main practices are the Sudarshan Kriya (meditation and breathing) and Inquiry (questioning my thinking at the moment when I am upset).

I’ll add 2 of my own overcoming obstacles ideas:

  • Make a list – sit down with pen and paper (or your device) and head your list with whatever you’d like to achieve (Things I have to do to make my business flourish). Then just write – prepare to be amazed at the wisdom and knowledge that just pours out of you. 
  • Take one step at a time – staying present with every step saves you a ton of energy. It keeps you focused on every task and allows you to complete a lot of them, and to your satisfaction. Know that you cannot do tomorrow’s tasks right now, so no need to worry about them. 

Last night at the dinner table I confessed to feeling a little despondent about the state of my new business. My dear wise husband said: Do you think this could be due to your expectations? And my beautiful and bright daughter said: Don’t worry Mama, you know its all in your mind. I just burst out laughing. It was such a relief to be reminded of these truths, and such joy to have them coming back at me in this manner! And truly, absolutely, the despondency was lifted. 

Simple Ways to Overcome Obstacles At Work and In Your Life
Question your thinking about challenges.

Inquiry – The Work of Byron Katie

Inquiry – The Work of Byron Katie – is simple – and also the strongest and my most loved practice I use to overcome obstacles at work and in my life. Because, you know, they are in my mind. Only all of them. 

In inquiry, I question my thinking. Inquiry is 4 questions and turnarounds, and finding examples for those. It’s nothing without your own answers to the questions. Very simple, very profound.

Today’s thought is:

“My business isn’t going well.”

Question 1: Is it true? (Answer yes or no only) – Yes!

Question 2: Can I absolutely know its true? (Yes or No) – No.

Question 3: What happens, how do I react, when I believe this thought?

Despondent, sad, powerless, poor, helpless. Tired. Angry at life, scared of the future, dependent on others.

Question 4: Who would I be without this thought?

Fine. The Owner of a new business. Open to learning, experimenting, alive with the challenge, excited about every success, fascinated by every failure. Amazed by myself – the confidence and energy I have for this, the dedication. It’s awesome.

Turnaround: My business is going well.

I am learning, I am live on the net for only 2 months, I am building a following, and I get to talk about what I love so much! I get to do a ton of inquiry, which is what makes me a good facilitator. The business has brought my husband and me closer together than we have been in years. Wow – that’s quite a list!

Another turnaround: My thinking about my business isn’t going well.

Ya, well, not in that moment. In that moment it’s telling me about failure. That’s truly not going well.

And that’s it!

How do I feel now? Lighter, fresher, ready to go. Happy with my article (thinking jumps in – It should be shorter) – well, maybe it should. Maybe not. 

To overcome obstacles at work can be so simple.

You know, I never had a single one strong spiritual experience. I’ve longed for a happy and fulfilled and somewhat important life, for sure. Since I practice Inquiry, my life is getting better and better all the time. Questioning what I think in this way, using my stress to lighten my load, consistently, I got to a place where the worst that can happen in my life means nothing but my own freedom. This doesn’t mean I don’t get bogged down occasionally – but, less and less so, AND I know what to do. There’s no need to be scared, sad, despondent, angry. I inquire.

Simple Ways to Overcome Obstacles At Work and In Your Life

I get to enjoy my life and everything in it. Sunlight reflected on an electrical outlet can have me in raptures over its beauty, and plastic crystals paint the most exquisite rainbows on my walls. Life is promising, and when I am present, life is totally and utterly complete. Nothing at all is missing.

Byron Katie describes herself – her experience in life – as unlimited. With inquiry, I am that, more and more each day. 

Simple Ways to Overcome Obstacles At Work and In Your Life
Just Be.

So, if utter joy about the simplest things in life is something that tempts you, subscribe to this blog. If dedication to your own freedom and to being the best possible you, in this life, now, for your own sake, is something you want, join me at The Leaders Work. And if love for yourself and for all of creation is what you ultimately want, check out the journey of inquiry and finding your own wisdom.