Do we really need fear to motivate ourselves?
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Chapter 8 – I need fear to motivate me
“The greatest attachment to fear happens because we’re AFRAID that without it, we wouldn’t survive. Without fear, our ancestors wouldn’t have run away from the wolves. Without fear, I would touch a poisonous snake. Without fear, my kids would fall to their death, touch the hot stove, be kidnapped, abused, and even killed by passing strangers. Without fear, I’d walk out onto the road and get driven over. Without fear, I wouldn’t be motivated to act to create a better world.
And can you know that this is true?
When we inquire into our fear-based concepts, such as the ones above and thousands of others, we come face to face with what happens when we experience fear. Question 3 guides us – sometimes gently and other times quite shockingly revealing – into the experience of fear as it happens at that moment. As we meditate on the question “what happens, how do I react, when I believe this thought?”, we allow the emotions and physical sensations their time, we get to know them intimately. Being held in the safe container of The Work we journey within the thousandfold stories of human fear. We start to see how it all connects, how one assumption leads to the next and the next, we slow the process down and really really look at it.
Thoughts building our belief system in any given situation normally happen much faster than the speed of light. You open your eyes and WHAM! It’s all there. Human being bedroom house family pets village earth gravity light air – one solid block of reality.
The same happens with fear.”
Awakening From Fear was a powerful process for me…
I absolutely, passionately adore the process of Inquiry. It allows me to safely dive into any threatening belief or story I might hold, and emerge a clearer human being, with less fear. Over the 2 years of writing this book, I have questioned a lot of fear-based concepts. I’ve come to understand more clearly how anger and hate always have fear at their source. In understanding, I have grown in compassion and empathy. In Inquiry, I find access to my Being beyond the identified ‘I’. I bring it’s wisdom back into my life. That path is available for everyone willing to question their thinking.
“Working with Stef Skupin has been one of the most rewarding commitments I have ever taken. Take the most, most painful memory, belief you have that causes you deep pain, do “the work” and become witness to the unfolding and freedom dawning within you. Incredible, just absolutely incredible. I can not recommend this more highly.”
Dr. Susan Botha
Awakening From Fear is a collection of personal inquiries that inform my view of this beautiful world.
I’m not asking you to believe what I say. Inquiry isn’t about exchanging one belief system for another. With this book, I’m merely sharing my journey in the hope that it might inspire you to start investigating the truths behind your fears.
My journey can’t set you free. Only you can.
With a process like Inquiry in your toolbox, you actually can.
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